Hitting the Gym at 3 AM: My New Routine and the Need for Yoga

Hey everyone!

I’ve been on this wild journey of getting my workouts done at 3 in the morning. Yeah, you read that right—3 AM! I know it sounds crazy, but honestly, it’s been working out great for me. The gym is super quiet at that time, no distractions, just me and my goals. Plus, there’s something pretty cool about getting a workout in before most people are even awake. It sets the tone for the rest of my day.

I feel like I’m getting some solid results from this early morning routine. My energy levels are up, and I’m definitely seeing some muscle gains. But here’s the thing: I’ve noticed my body is starting to feel a bit tight. All these weightlifting sessions have been great, but I think it’s time to show my muscles some love with a bit of stretching.

So, I’ve been thinking—why not bring back some yoga into my routine? Back in the day, I used to do the P90X yoga, and it was intense but so good. I remember how it helped with my flexibility, balance, and even strength. I’m thinking it might be time to dust off those old DVDs and get my yoga mat out again.

Adding yoga a couple of times a week could be just what I need to keep my body feeling loose and prevent any injuries from creeping up. Plus, it’s a great way to clear my mind and start the day even more relaxed.

Have any of you tried incorporating yoga or extra stretching into your workouts? How do you find it? Let me know if you have any tips or if you’re also on that early morning gym grind!

Until next time, keep pushing yourself and finding new ways to grow!

Who is (o_-)

I'm just a guy. I want to get back into shape. That is all.