Cardio : Day 0 – Lateral Treadmill

Boredom. It is ridiculously boring to just tread on the treadmill. Even if I watch a movie on the iPad while I’m doing it, it just does my head in. I’d much rather sit and code. Too bad I am not coordinated enough to have a standing desk. I don’t think I could sit there and do my work while walking on a (regular) treadmill. I’ve created a stats page to graph my weight, bodyfat, and bmi. I still have a bit of work to do on it, but for now it works.

Day 0, because I’m going to start this shit all over again. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Weight: 180 lbs.
18.7 % Body Fat
BMI: 27.3

Who is (o_-)

I'm just a guy. I want to get back into shape. That is all.