It never fails

I swear it never fails. Every fucking time I attempt to get off my ass and get back into it, I end up doing something that throws a wrench into things.

I’ve had back issues for years. It all stems from an accident I had well over 10+ years ago. Side to side it’s straight, but from front to back my curve is incorrect, and because of that, it really doesn’t take much to throw things out of whack. It can be as simple as a turn to the side or picking something up regardless of how light or heavy it is.

I’ve been told to stretch out my hamstrings, and doing so would release some of the pressure on my spine. I really need to get into the habit of stretching them daily.

Until I can get it sorted I guess I’ll try to do what I can by hitting up the treadmill. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Weight: 177.8 lbs.
19.6 % Body Fat
BMI: 27

Who is (o_-)

I'm just a guy. I want to get back into shape. That is all.