7 week streak

Crushing It at 3AM – 7 Weeks In

Alright, time to give myself some credit. I’ve been hitting the gym at 3 in the freakin’ morning, not just once or twice, but 3+ times a week for the past seven weeks. That’s nearly two months of pure consistency. Honestly, I’m kinda amazed at myself. This level of commitment is something I didn’t think I had in me before, but here I am, kicking ass and making gains.

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Weight: 197 lbs.

Hitting the Gym at 3 AM: My New Routine and the Need for Yoga

Hey everyone!

I’ve been on this wild journey of getting my workouts done at 3 in the morning. Yeah, you read that right—3 AM! I know it sounds crazy, but honestly, it’s been working out great for me. The gym is super quiet at that time, no distractions, just me and my goals. Plus, there’s something pretty cool about getting a workout in before most people are even awake. It sets the tone for the rest of my day.

I feel like I’m getting some solid results from this early morning routine. My energy levels are up, and I’m definitely seeing some muscle gains. But here’s the thing: I’ve noticed my body is starting to feel a bit tight. All these weightlifting sessions have been great, but I think it’s time to show my muscles some love with a bit of stretching.

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More gym visits than posts

I’ve barely posted anything lately, but I’ve still been hitting the gym at least 3 times a week. I’m still kicking it with the “old guys” around 3am. It seriously is the best time to go to the gym.

The site was online for a bit :/ One of my other sites was hacked, and since they are all connected, it allowed for their scripts to fuck with this one too. Fucking pita, cleaning it up.

Bet you thought I quit‽

I’ve been hitting the gym pretty consistently, usually around 3:30 in the morning. It’s a perfect time because the only people there are a handful of guys my age.

It just occurred to me the other day that I’m part of this “old guy” group of 50-60 year olds. I don’t feel 50, and we’re all in there working our asses off.

I’ve finally dropped below 200 lbs, and it feels amazing. For some reason, 200 lbs has always been a weird tipping point for me. Over 200, I feel crazy out of shape, but under 200, I at least feel like I’ve got a handle on things.

I need to get in here and fix some of my automations for posting. Make it less of a chore…

That’s 3 down

It wasn’t the best workout, but I still showed up and did what I could in the time I had.

This was the first leg workout in a while. Sadly, the hardest part was stretching my arms to hold the bar while doing squats. I need to do yoga.

A little better today

Repeat after me. Tattooing the palm of the hand hurts and makes it harder to workout. That said, today’s workout was decent enough. I was so close to just laying in bed this morning. But I didn’t! I drug my ass to the gym. Go me!!

This fucking shoulder hurts

I ache a lot, especially my shoulder. I’ve been afraid it’s a rotator cuff injury, but after talking to a mate of mine, I think it’s more of a stretching issue.

I’ve actually been considering doing the OG P90X Yoga on my own accord. That’s how much I want to limber up.

Today’s workout wasn’t “one for the books,” but I worked out, and that’s what matters, right‽

Weight: 196 lbs.

Forgot what that felt like

Four workouts last week. I didn’t go as hard as I used to, but at least I was consistent. Go me!

The legs feel like jello. I had forgotten what it felt like. I missed that feeling. Welcome back.

I’d love to hit the gym first thing in the morning, but my sleep is shit. I’d never wake up and feel refreshed. And my sleep meds leave me a bit drowsy in the mornings. I doubt I could workout the morning after taking them.

Night time, it is! ( I’ll take what I can get )

Almost done

This has been the year of surgeries. Multiple. And on my hand, no less. I’ve been trying to squeeze a workout here and there between surgeries. This is the first week that I’ve been able more than two workouts. My hands are killing me, but I’m not giving up. I have one more surgery to go. A spinal fusion. I’m dreading this one.

I’ve grown so out of shape since the accident. I feel like I’m in the worst shape of my life. I’m feeling all of my years. I am not a fan of that feeling.

I will change it.

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Weight: 198 lbs.