That’s 3 down

It wasn’t the best workout, but I still showed up and did what I could in the time I had.

This was the first leg workout in a while. Sadly, the hardest part was stretching my arms to hold the bar while doing squats. I need to do yoga.

A little better today

Repeat after me. Tattooing the palm of the hand hurts and makes it harder to workout. That said, today’s workout was decent enough. I was so close to just laying in bed this morning. But I didn’t! I drug my ass to the gym. Go me!!

This fucking shoulder hurts

I ache a lot, especially my shoulder. I’ve been afraid it’s a rotator cuff injury, but after talking to a mate of mine, I think it’s more of a stretching issue.

I’ve actually been considering doing the OG P90X Yoga on my own accord. That’s how much I want to limber up.

Today’s workout wasn’t “one for the books,” but I worked out, and that’s what matters, right‽

Weight: 196 lbs.

Old Soles

I picked up some inserts for my shoes. They will have to do until I can afford to get a decent pair of running shoes. I ran with them the other day, but they made my feet feel like they were constantly being pushed out of my shoes.

They were a bit uncomfortable, but I figured it was just me having to get used to them. They definitely made a difference. My shins still hurt, but nothing like they had on previous runs.

It was suggested to me to take out the old soles before putting the new ones in. I feel like a fucking idiot for not thinking of that myself.

I’ll be giving them another try (propertly) tonight.

unsplash-logoOziel Gómez

There is definitely something wrong with me

This morning I skipped my run and just did regular strength training. It’s me getting back into it so I wasn’t expecting too much. I also have this weird strain in my chest. Even with light weights on the bar it feels like 1 strand of muscle is being pulled from the top of my left pec. I guess for now, I’ll just make sure I’m properly stretched and take it easy on the weight used.

That’s not the problem though. The problem is that I want to run. The problem with that is I have always hated running. Hated. It’s definitely throwing my brain for a loop. Stupid brain. Stupid legs.

Weight: 190.4 lbs.
21.5 % Body Fat
BMI: 28.9

Spreading it out

These shin splints are killing me. I think for a couple weeks I am going to run every other day and start back with weight training on the days in between. I don’t want to drop running entirely, and I’m afraid if I stop doing something for any amount of time it will be a pain in the ass to get back into it. So hopefully running ever other day for a couple weeks will help in healing these fuckers.

I was able to run for 3 miles this morning. I definitely do not want to lose my momentum.

unsplash-logoTom Sodoge

Weight: 190.1 lbs.
21.4 % Body Fat
BMI: 28.8

Slowly getting back on my feet

I’ve been running jogging stumbling on a treadmill for the last 3 weeks. I initially built a desk that I can quickly strap to the top of the treadmill in the hopes of being able to walk my way through the day. Fuck that. I am not coordinated enough to walk and work on a laptop at the same time. I only had damn thing set to 3mph, but it just wasn’t working all that great. The treadmill I am using is over 10 years old, so I wonder if it’s not as cushioned as a newer one. It was nearly impossible to move the mouse via the trackpad with any sort of precision. I decided I would rather just try and jog.

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Weight: 191.1 lbs.
22 % Body Fat
BMI: 29

Confirmed: I can’t do this shit on my own

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve started and restarted P90X. Something always comes up or I just realize I really don’t give a shit and I bail.

I know for a fact that I can get results from P90X, but an hour is really pushing it for me on my own. I was able to go through P90X3 for a while. They are a bit easier to digest since they average about 30 minutes, but I didn’t feel like I was getting any results. And to be honest, my motivation has just been shit.

I did pick up a used squat rack and a bunch of free weights a couple of weeks ago. I miss weights. I miss that ache. Weights, I feel I can stick with. I’ve been lifting the past couple of weeks. There’s just that feeling that hits 2 days after lifting. It hurts, but damn, it’s a good hurt.

The weights are just easier for me to stick with. I definitely have to do something. My don’t give a shit attitude has resulted in my heaviest weight except for when I was on steroids when I was younger.

My goals are to lift consistently on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays with cardio on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and possible Saturday.

Go me!

Edit: Holy shit. I just noticed this post is just over 2 years to the last post. 17 lbs. heavier. Fuck this shit.

Weight: 197.8 lbs.
22.1 % Body Fat
BMI: 30.1

Cardio : Day 0 – Lateral Treadmill

Boredom. It is ridiculously boring to just tread on the treadmill. Even if I watch a movie on the iPad while I’m doing it, it just does my head in. I’d much rather sit and code. Too bad I am not coordinated enough to have a standing desk. I don’t think I could sit there and do my work while walking on a (regular) treadmill. I’ve created a stats page to graph my weight, bodyfat, and bmi. I still have a bit of work to do on it, but for now it works.

Day 0, because I’m going to start this shit all over again. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Weight: 180 lbs.
18.7 % Body Fat
BMI: 27.3