Spreading it out

These shin splints are killing me. I think for a couple weeks I am going to run every other day and start back with weight training on the days in between. I don’t want to drop running entirely, and I’m afraid if I stop doing something for any amount of time it will be a pain in the ass to get back into it. So hopefully running ever other day for a couple weeks will help in healing these fuckers.

I was able to run for 3 miles this morning. I definitely do not want to lose my momentum.

unsplash-logoTom Sodoge

Weight: 190.1 lbs.
21.4 % Body Fat
BMI: 28.8

Slowly getting back on my feet

I’ve been running jogging stumbling on a treadmill for the last 3 weeks. I initially built a desk that I can quickly strap to the top of the treadmill in the hopes of being able to walk my way through the day. Fuck that. I am not coordinated enough to walk and work on a laptop at the same time. I only had damn thing set to 3mph, but it just wasn’t working all that great. The treadmill I am using is over 10 years old, so I wonder if it’s not as cushioned as a newer one. It was nearly impossible to move the mouse via the trackpad with any sort of precision. I decided I would rather just try and jog.

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Weight: 191.1 lbs.
22 % Body Fat
BMI: 29

Confirmed: I can’t do this shit on my own

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve started and restarted P90X. Something always comes up or I just realize I really don’t give a shit and I bail.

I know for a fact that I can get results from P90X, but an hour is really pushing it for me on my own. I was able to go through P90X3 for a while. They are a bit easier to digest since they average about 30 minutes, but I didn’t feel like I was getting any results. And to be honest, my motivation has just been shit.

I did pick up a used squat rack and a bunch of free weights a couple of weeks ago. I miss weights. I miss that ache. Weights, I feel I can stick with. I’ve been lifting the past couple of weeks. There’s just that feeling that hits 2 days after lifting. It hurts, but damn, it’s a good hurt.

The weights are just easier for me to stick with. I definitely have to do something. My don’t give a shit attitude has resulted in my heaviest weight except for when I was on steroids when I was younger.

My goals are to lift consistently on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays with cardio on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and possible Saturday.

Go me!

Edit: Holy shit. I just noticed this post is just over 2 years to the last post. 17 lbs. heavier. Fuck this shit.

Weight: 197.8 lbs.
22.1 % Body Fat
BMI: 30.1

Cardio : Day 0 – Lateral Treadmill

Boredom. It is ridiculously boring to just tread on the treadmill. Even if I watch a movie on the iPad while I’m doing it, it just does my head in. I’d much rather sit and code. Too bad I am not coordinated enough to have a standing desk. I don’t think I could sit there and do my work while walking on a (regular) treadmill. I’ve created a stats page to graph my weight, bodyfat, and bmi. I still have a bit of work to do on it, but for now it works.

Day 0, because I’m going to start this shit all over again. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Weight: 180 lbs.
18.7 % Body Fat
BMI: 27.3

It never fails

I swear it never fails. Every fucking time I attempt to get off my ass and get back into it, I end up doing something that throws a wrench into things.

I’ve had back issues for years. It all stems from an accident I had well over 10+ years ago. Side to side it’s straight, but from front to back my curve is incorrect, and because of that, it really doesn’t take much to throw things out of whack. It can be as simple as a turn to the side or picking something up regardless of how light or heavy it is.

I’ve been told to stretch out my hamstrings, and doing so would release some of the pressure on my spine. I really need to get into the habit of stretching them daily.

Until I can get it sorted I guess I’ll try to do what I can by hitting up the treadmill. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Weight: 177.8 lbs.
19.6 % Body Fat
BMI: 27

P90X3 : Day 3 – X3 Yoga

Fucking yoga, my nemesis! TBH, the older I get the more accepting I’ve become of yoga. I used to loathe the 1.5 hour long sessions of yoga in P90X. Absolutely fucking hated them. I think, around my 3rd round of P90X, I started to not hate it as much. It’s tolerable, and I can definitely handle 30 minutes of it.

Weight: 181.5 lbs.
18.6 % Body Fat
BMI: 27.5

P90X3 : Day 2 – Agility X

This one wasn’t too bad, although I do have to make a bit more room in the area that I am working out. One of the requirements is tape on the ground. I did not have any, but I sure as hell will next time. I felt uncoordinated as shit trying to do some of the exercises. Even a shitty workout is better than sitting on the couch ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Weight: 181.8 lbs.
17.2 % Body Fat
BMI: 27.6