All the Activities!
Strength Training
No pizza slices today. :/
Today’s run sucked. It was just hard to finish. I’ve started to develop shin splints, especially on my left side. They hurt like fuck. I’ll have to look into ways to treat/heal them. I hope the main solution isn’t to stop running. I’m tired of something coming up every time I start to get my ass back into shape. fuck. I won’t do it! I won’t quit this time.
I use an app, Gyroscope, to keep all of my data together. When you do a workout, it shows you images with food items on them, and how many calories you burned during the exercise. It also shows you “how many donuts” you burned or “how many cookies” worth you have burned.
There’s also the pizza image. That fucking pizza image. In the two years that I have been using the app, and when I’ve been shown the pizza image. I have never burned the equivalent to 2 pieces. NEVER. One of these days I will… I will get those two pieces. Yes, I will.
Keeping track of the data from my runs makes it so much easier to try to improve a time or distance, etc… I really wanted to get my pace under 12 minutes per mile. I was able to power through a little bit more.
If I didn’t have the numbers to go back on, I don’t think I would feel like there was any improvement. Looking back.. oh, I ran.. I ran yesterday too, and they don’t feel any different from each other. At least I can tell from the numbers that my runs are getting better.
Happy Pi Day.